Your maximum allowable contribution *:
(Total possible contribution) |
(Employer contribution) |
- |

Determines whether the maximum contribution, per IRS regulation is $ for single, or $ for family.
Select Single Coverage or Family Coverage: ( ? )

Determines whether the individual is eligible for an $ "catchup" contribution.
Will you be 55 or older by the end of the year? ( ? )

Enter your health plan's deductible. The minimum deductible, by law is determined by IRS regulation, $ for single and $ for family.
What is your plan's Deductible? ( ? )

The maximum contribution that an individual can contribute to an account is offset by
the employer contribution, so that the total amount contributed to an account is no more
than the IRS limit.
What is your employer's contribution to your HSA, for this year? ( ? )

You can always return to this tab and change this figure.
By law, your maximum allowable contribution is: $xxxx
Please enter the amount you would like to contribute, up to this maximum. ( ? )